Feels like spring
sun, 01-apr-2012, 12:50

Lennier looks into the house
sun, 01-apr-2012, 08:20

Snow brake FAIL
sat, 31-mar-2012, 16:47

Morning light, Mr. Buddy
sat, 31-mar-2012, 08:11

Caslon on my side
fri, 30-mar-2012, 17:31

The first ride of 2012
thu, 29-mar-2012, 16:14

Tallys and Caslon on the bed
wed, 28-mar-2012, 21:46

What coming home from work looks like
tue, 27-mar-2012, 15:26

Buddy and Koidern on the Creek
mon, 26-mar-2012, 17:47