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76671 "Mark Keenum" mark.keenu-@w... 2000‑03‑24 Re: Bio
Awright Shannon, I didn't want to say it but the conversation really went someth
ing like "you mean your're gonna spend the night in a motel room with a guy you 
met over the internet?"


>>> "Shannon Salb" ssal-@l... 03/24/00 01:45PM >>>
>I have met several great friends in my area from the List  (my wife looks
at me real funny when I say I met him over the

Yup.  I admit that I often feel a little sheepish when I talk about
woodworking -- even more so when I talk about my woodworking friends over
the internet.  For us, it is a normal avocation.  For most everyone else,
its sorta wacky, a little mysterious, sorta dated. . . .  Maybe its partly
my age:  People stereotypically picture "woodworkers" as 60 year old white
men.  Maybe its also partly where I live, where people are more likely to
collect political buttons than patent braces (see the "p... b..." pattern

Just some random observations.


Oh, welcome, Mark.

Recent Bios FAQ