OldTools Archive

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277744 Joe Jerkins <jerkinsjoe@g...> 2023‑09‑18 Old Tools: The Home of the Way Back Machine
Dear all,

I have been on the Old Tools Listserv for more years than I like to count
because it makes me feel old.  Last week I had the opportunity to tour the
Internet Archive near my home in San Francisco.

We've been saved many times by the Way Back Machine and archived internet
sites thanks to the Archive's work.  I took a few pictures and posted them
here in case you'd like a peek.

Joe Jerkins
in sunny San Francisco (until the fog rolls back in tonight)

The official Internet Archive site's page is https://archive.org/
277746 Mark van Roojen <mvr1@e...> 2023‑09‑18 Re: Old Tools: The Home of the Way Back Machine
I typically make a small donation each year since I do find their existence both
personally useful and historically important.
They provide a great service.
277747 Kirk Eppler 2023‑09‑18 Re: Old Tools: The Home of the Way Back Machine
Great fun, thanks for sharing.

On a side tangent story, while out garage sailing with my IA hat on (same
logo as the doormat), some guy asked me if I worked for them.  Sadly, no,
I'm not the guy, he lives on the ocean side of the highway, about a mile
away from me.  We chatted about all the great sites, like Ralph's, that
have been saved due to the wayback machine, and the great literature
available at the International Tool Catalog Library.  (
https://archive.org/details/internationaltoolcataloglibrary) for those who
don't know of it.

Kirk in Half Moon Bay, CA

On Sun, Sep 17, 2023 at 5:55 PM Joe Jerkins  wrote:

> Dear all,
> I have been on the Old Tools Listserv for more years than I like to count
> because it makes me feel old.  Last week I had the opportunity to tour the
> Internet Archive near my home in San Francisco.
> We've been saved many times by the Way Back Machine and archived internet
> sites thanks to the Archive's work.  I took a few pictures and posted them
> here in case you'd like a peek.
> https://groups.io/g/oldtools/album?id=289594
> Joe Jerkins
> in sunny San Francisco (until the fog rolls back in tonight)
> The official Internet Archive site's page is https://archive.org/

Kirk Eppler in Half Moon Bay, CA 

Recent Bios FAQ