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269984 "yorkshireman@y..." <yorkshireman@y...> 2020‑02‑25 Re: [SPAM?] RIP Brent Beach
This is such sad news.  

Brent is our go-to man to debunk or endorse new-fangled sharpening notions.  His
contribution to reasoned investigation and testing of sharpening is huge.  Every
time I grab a stone and swipe a blade over it I hear him at my shoulder saying
‘if you do it the way I showed, it will be sharper’ and most times I answer him
back by saying ‘Yes, I know, but for this job, for the next five minutes, it
will be sharp enough’  and now I’m going to call over to his website, download
the material, look at that jig again, again, and make up my own ‘Brent Set’ of
jigs, and for the two or three planes that sit on the sidelines waiting for the
gnarly burr stuff they will forever after be sharpened to 'Brent Standard’
In fact - I think I’ll regard that as a new level.  We have ScarySharp (r)   and
now I’m going to declare ‘Brent Standard (r)’ as the galoot definition of
ultimate sharposity.

People come—they stay for a while, they flourish, —and they leave, far too soon.

Richard Wilson
Yorkshireman Galoot

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