Olive-sided Flycatcher (OSFL)

location description date comments
Home Toward front 40 2024‑06‑09
Home Slough 2022‑06‑09
Home Top of dead spruce on dog island 2021‑06‑09
Home Dog Island 2021‑06‑09
Home Heard from deck 2020‑05‑30
Front 40 (64.892, -147.877) Near green bus 2018‑05‑27
Home Top of a dead spruce on back 5 2017‑05‑30
Home Across the creek from the red cabin 2016‑06‑02
Home Atop a dead spruce in the back 5 2016‑05‑18
Home On back 5 2016‑05‑18
Home None 2008‑07‑05
Home Heard behind the house 2008‑06‑05

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