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Recent Bios FAQ

94388 jimbono@w... (Jim Thompson) 2001‑06‑22 Re: scrub planes - blade radius
BugBear calculated the correct ( or original )  radius of a scrub plane
blade to be 2 1/2 inches.

Thank you, thank you, sir!  I have been wanting that piece of
information ever since I started using the scrub plane I got from Steve

The plane cuts as well as you could ask for, but I have always thought
that the radius was too tight.  I just went out and checked it.  It is
ground to a one inch radius.

 I did not change the radius because I did not know what to change it
to.  Now that I know, I will regrind it.

Thanks again for a good piece of galoot detective work.

Jim Thompson

Recent Bios FAQ