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89503 Scott Stager <ccstager@s... 2001‑02‑07 Re: Mitered breadboard joints
At 08:50 AM 02/07/2001 -0600, Scott Stager wrote:
>Absolutely Excellent Don - totally cleared up my confusion.  Thank you so
>much.   The Ascii is superb. 
>One followup question.  Others have discussed as recently as yesterday the
>problem of the main panel moving with the season and standing proud or
>short of the breadboard end.  I presume such movement sould cause a gap in
>the mitered corner, or in a case of board contraction possibly cause a
>blowout of some sort in the mitre area?

I think I have answered my own question after re-reading Don's originsl
cescription, and realizing that Don was showing the full board, not just
one end in his drawings. 

The breadboard end is mitered on only one end!  Don says to glue only the
mitre and the first tenon next to it.  He describes the slots in the tenons
to allow for expansion/contraction of the board. 

Well Duhhhhhhhhh!!

 Scott Stager                        

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