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61598 Loganftp@a... 1999‑04‑21 Iron thicknesses was Re: FWW Smoothing Plane Article
I'm assuming it was Phil and not Debbie that wrote:

> Here's one I've read.  I think that the reason Aaron found the article
> unsatisfying (I did too, the first time through) is that his point of
> view is about like a parent sitting in a third grade class desk.  We few
> (tee-hee) who talk about planes every damn day are bound to have a pretty
> sophistocated level of understanding about them.

I'd agree here - we are way over the top in terms of plane knowledge thanks
to all of the generous contributors here on the porch. I think a little
reality check is in order in that not everyone shares our affinity with all
things handtool related.

I took the article and did something similar to what we do on the porch all
the time - take an idea and run with it.

Specifically the thickness of irons. The article listed all of the iron
thicknesses in each review and I never realized there was that much variation
between makers. So last night I did a wholly unscientific survey of iron
thickness on a whole bunch 'o irons. I only used dial calipers and didn't
even separate irons from caps - just snap and go. To my surprise one notched
logo 2" Stanley iron came in at 0.070" thick (or thin as it were) The
majority fall in the 0.080" to 0.085" that Garrett lists in his article. Oh,
BTW our very own Ron Hock's irons all came in at exactly 0.095" (yes, all six
of them) as listed in the little gray box on pg. 45.  I've got the complete
study at home that lists iron size, vintage and thickness will post it to the
list if anyone's interested.

To me it was fabulous to see even this general of a treatment in what has
become my favorite ww mag. But, I do have to say I was VERY disappointed at
the SJB showing from what I feel is a great guy and a first class operation.
(no financial interest - yada - yada - I just really like their stuff)

I showed SWMBO the Holtey - and she said, "Yea right - over my dead body." I
guess I have more work to do.

Also interested in the properities of A2 for hand tool use versus regular
high carbon stuff. (Ron - George?)

Dave Tobbe

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