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261276 Thomas Conroy 2017‑01‑14 Re: Angle of skew chisels
Scott wrote: " So Conroy, did you really mount ebony handles on 2 1/2" chisels,
can I see?  I never had ebony chisel handles.  I love the idea, just not 
enough spare ebony, ever in my life, to make any.
Chisel blades I can get easy, it seems. They must just want to live at 
my house. I have a drawer now."
I had a little piece, just long enough for the two handles with absolutely no
waste, out of the offcut bin at MacBeath Hardwoods. You can see them here, over
toward the right flanking a rosewood London Octagonal handle on a curved-edge
carver's skew:

Eleven of the seventeen handles you can see in the shot are NOS English boxwood,
brought along to serve as exemplars when I showed my method of making a London
Octagonal handle at BAGathon, but the rest (the ones that don't show clearly)
are mine. A couple more shots from the same event, not much clearer



Maybe someone who was at the event has a clearer shot of them.

Thanks to all who replied to my query. Particular thanks to John and Bill, who
have provided me with excuse to regrind two more little chisels and increase my
1/4" dovetailing set to four (#3 narrowed to 1/8" near the tip, and #4 with a
triangular cross-section). Not that any excuse is needed to get more chisels.
Tom Conroy

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