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194209 scott grandstaff <scottg@s...> 2009‑07‑29 Re: poplar
thinking we have lost our bearings on what the list is
> all about.

  Me too Steve! I see too much apologizin in general lately.
  What, do we all have myopically narrow one-track minds?
  And what is that one track supposed to be?
  And what would be the penalty for wandering???

  Hey I can barely keep my attention deficit mind on anything for long, 
let alone one single subject of any kind!!

    Meanwhile, poplar, besides being a favorite secondary wood for 
drawer sides and such going back forever, has always been a prime choice 
for paint.
   It takes and holds paint like a champ. None better.

   It takes stain just as good. This kind of means it takes stain as 
evenly and uninterestingly uniform as paint.

   The modern furniture factory's dream wood. Where all the colors are 
opaque matchy matchy and customers are trained at birth to stare at a 
finish and try to decide if it matches.
  ( Its the only thing they teach at retail consumer school, btw. Color 

  Me, I will stain and let dry, then sand through -at least- part of it 
here and there so it looks more like actual wood and not some 
homogenized factory dreck.

   You take long strokes down the grain and pretty soon the general 
appearance of natural wood can be imitated pretty good.
  Sand a bit and take a look.   Little more and change the viewing angle 
or light.
On like that, until you're satisfied.

  yours Scott

    Scott Grandstaff
    Box 409 Happy Camp, Ca  96039


Recent Bios FAQ