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193524 "Joseph Sullivan" <joe@j...> 2009‑07‑17 RE: Ray G... I need your help with Hand - table saws


I made a 30" round top table several years ago and tried my table saw  
for the curve. At that radius it was barely effective and I found that  
my bow saw made much easier work so finished w/ that. If for varying  
radii, how does one know what width of blade is for what radius? Mine  
looks most like Peter's middle saw.





Unfortunately, I wouldn't know, either.  The compass saw idea is just a
guess based on the thinnest of the three, which almost certainly IS a
compass saw.  I don't know anything about the others -- but tradesmen who
owned them first certainly knew how and what to use them for.  More
tantalizing glimpses of the lost knowledge of the Galoots!  Perhaps it could
replace n*bs as a topic for speculation?



Recent Bios FAQ