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139386 "Ken Greenberg" <ken@c...> 2004‑12‑08 Re: getting started w/shellac
On 8 Dec 2004 at 8:27, Hans A. Muller wrote:

> Good and clear description Ken, of what to do to get that nice finish.
> One question: you talk about 'wet and dry' sandpaper. I suppose you
> use it dry? Hans who saw 60 years ago his grandfather do this, but did
> not pay enough attention to it....

No, actually I always use it wet. I use mineral oil as a lubricant, but
I seem to recall that Jeff Jewitt recommends just using water. Not awake
enough yet to look it up quite yet.

I use a cork block as a backer, or for something small just wrap it
around a wine cork if I can find a straight one (lots have depressions
from where they were in the bottle). Sometimes I have to go through many
bottles of wine just to find the right cork though...


Ken Greenberg (ken@c...) 667 Brush Creek Rd., Santa Rosa, CA 95404
http://www.calast.com/personal/ken/wood.htm Visit the oldtools book list
at http://www.calast.com/personal/ken/booklist.htm

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