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278583 Don Schwartz <dks@t...> 2024‑06‑29 is this a sign?
Today I came across a couple of plane irons for which I have no idea as 
to their origin, and can't find plane bodies to fit them. One is a 
Steiner & Sohne skewed and tapered iron 55mm wide, the other a 1-9/16 
Henry Boker iron which looks like it might have come from a wedged block 
plane. So the question - apart from where did� they come from? and where 
do they go? - is whether this is a sign I have too many tools in the 
cave? Not exactly too many tools, which makes no sense, but too many 
tools for my aging brain to keep track of, even with the help of tailed 
remembering and calculating and doing-all-manner-of-things machines, of 
which I may well have too many. Please advise.



\u201cThe days that make us happy make us wise.\u201d John Masefield

\u201cTo argue with a man who has renounced the use and authority of reason, 
and whose philosophy consists in holding humanity in contempt, is like 
administering medicine to the dead, or endeavoring to convert an atheist 
by scripture.\u201d \u2015 Thomas Paine, The American Crisis

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