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14858 Paul Comino <p.comino@q...> 1997‑03‑11 Re: "Woodscrew" maker's mark.
>> At 05:54 AM 3/3/97 -0500, Thomas R. Bruce wrote:
>> >1251. German "wood screw" mark (who is this?). 3mm. skewed spoon

And Paul Comino wrote...
>> I have a chisel with the "woodscrew" mark.  This one is marked:
>> Charles Taylor's
>> Sheffield Tools Ltd

And Tom sez...
>'tweren't just an excess of bratwurst before bedtime which caused me to
>identify the tool as 'German', it was the fact that it and others with it
>said 'Germany' on them, and were marked with metric sizes.
>Not what you would call _deep_ research, but fairly definitive (grin).

And I reply.....
Ever have the feeling that all synapse's aren't firing 100%?
I had that feeling when I replied to that post........then last nite as I
was drifting off....."DASTRA" I thinks!!   No, not some Aussie expletive,
not even a placebo expletive, but a German maker who uses a woodscrew mark.
Could that be the one?

Sorry Tom.  I wasn't questioning the origin of your chisel, just trying to
add another data point or two.

Best regards,

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