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14782 Don McConnell <Don.McConnell@a...> 1997‑03‑10 Re: "Woodscrew" maker's mark.
Thomas R. Bruce wrote:

> 'tweren't just an excess of bratwurst before bedtime which caused me to
> identify the tool as 'German', it was the fact that it and others with it
> said 'Germany' on them, and were marked with metric sizes.
> Not what you would call _deep_ research, but fairly definitive (grin).

A number of years ago, my "master"/mentor/friend at the Ohio Village
bought one of these new at a woodworking show because it was a size he

He owned a couple of others which were OK, but this one turned out to be
a dud. I remember it because he rather pointedly remarked that he now
"understood" why it was marked with a screw! ;-)

Even at the time he seemed a little vague about the maker, but thought
it might be a Mifer? Definitely German, though.

Don McConnell
Knox County, Ohio

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