OldTools Archive

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14777 Thomas R. Bruce <tom@b...> 1997‑03‑10 Re: "Woodscrew" maker's mark.
On Mon, 10 Mar 1997, Paul Comino wrote:

> At 05:54 AM 3/3/97 -0500, Thomas R. Bruce wrote:
> >1251. German "wood screw" mark (who is this?). 3mm. skewed spoon
> G'day Tom and other Galoots,
> I have a chisel with the "woodscrew" mark.  This one is marked:
> Charles Taylor's
> Sheffield Tools Ltd

'tweren't just an excess of bratwurst before bedtime which caused me to
identify the tool as 'German', it was the fact that it and others with it
said 'Germany' on them, and were marked with metric sizes.

Not what you would call _deep_ research, but fairly definitive (grin).


Perhaps I have been receiving psychic emanations from Tom Price.
|  Thomas R. Bruce                                         trb2@c... |
|  Cornell Legal Information Institute                         607-255-1221 |
| "I also own a 1944 electric megaphone...the bell is 24" in diameter and   |
|  it's battleship gray. If you want to feel Federal, it's the one for you."|
|                                      -- Tom Waits.                        |

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