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123341 Jim Thompson <jdthompsonca@s...> 2003‑10‑19 Re: A different opinion (long), was: Teaching a Galoot to fish
We Americans do love conspiracies, and we are always looking for the 
guy in the black hat.

Skulduggery is always more interesting to speculate about than boring 

I gotta go along with Pete on this one.

On Sunday, October 19, 2003, at 09:00  AM, Pete Taran wrote:

> Thanks!  Just trying to offer a balanced alternative.  As an aside, 
> it's
> these kind of discussions that started the list all those years ago, 
> and
> they are few and far between these days.  I wait and watch and 
> interject
> when I see the opportunity for some real discussion.

Recent Bios FAQ