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Observations by species

This page shows all our recorded observations for a particular species. For the common species, we tend to only record the first observation of the year, or anytime we see them doing something interesting.

Northern Red-backed Vole (CLRU)

HomeRan across trail to poop pile2024-02-06
HomeBelow bird feeders2023-04-08
HomeNear STP2022-10-20
HomeUnder birch tree next to feeders2021-10-15
HomeSeeds on the ground below west feeders2021-01-01
HomeWest of the house running on the snow2020-04-09
HomeWest of the house2019-10-26
HomeRock pile near dog yard gate2019-05-16
HomeWest side of the house2018-04-28
HomeOn the pile of snow over the edge of the creek2017-04-29
HomeTrail behind the house2017-02-01
HomeHopped over the trail behind STP2016-04-23
HomeBehind STP2015-04-09
HomeUnder birch tree near feeder2015-01-03
HomeWest of deck2014-05-04
HomeFence near discharge pipe2014-04-26
HomeBehind the house2013-04-27
HomeWood pile near path to poop pile2012-05-04
HomeRunning along Dog Island side of dog yard fence2011-04-07
HomeBehind house2010-04-21Swam through meltpond!
HomeCreek bank2010-04-11
HomeAt the end of the bridge2010-02-14

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