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14764 Paul Comino <p.comino@q...> 1997‑03‑10 "Woodscrew" maker's mark.
At 05:54 AM 3/3/97 -0500, Thomas R. Bruce wrote:

 1251. German "wood screw" mark (who is this?). 3mm. skewed spoon

G'day Tom and other Galoots, 
I have a chisel with the "woodscrew" mark.   This one is marked:

Charles Taylor's 
 Sheffield Tools Ltd

An interesting detail about the logo - which I have not seen in the real thing -
 is the fact that the screw has a left hand thread.   Is this a possible dating 
aid?   Was only one punch used for many?? years? Were the punches used on hot me
tal?   (I just threw that one in for luck!) Did the resultant lack of credibilit
y hasten the ultimate demise of the company? Was there an out-of-work die sinker
 after this came to light?

Clearly more Q's than A's.

Now Charlie is not to be confused with:

H. Taylor 

Who used an "acorn" logo.   Could the "logo" be owned by the forger?

Cast Steel       
chisels have an anvil, surmounted by crossed hammers, and with the initials
W and P either side of the anvil......

S J Addis 
Cast Steel England

has the same (anvil) mark.....sometimes.   Other times they have the Mason's mar
k of dividers and square.


has no logo, and...

Herring Bros 

has no logo, but sometimes includes "Prize Medals" (Presumably awarded at the eq
uivalent of a World Expo) And sometimes with "Prize Medals" there is "Millon Par

But the most interesting one I have seen is one with no acorn but stamped:

H. Taylor

and has been over-stamped with "Ward" and the anvil logo.   

Just Say (TM) even without TQM, these companies still managed to make fine chise

Best regards, 
Paul Comino Brisbane, Australia. 

14777 Thomas R. Bruce <tom@b...> 1997‑03‑10 Re: "Woodscrew" maker's mark.
On Mon, 10 Mar 1997, Paul Comino wrote:

> At 05:54 AM 3/3/97 -0500, Thomas R. Bruce wrote:
> >1251. German "wood screw" mark (who is this?). 3mm. skewed spoon
> G'day Tom and other Galoots,
> I have a chisel with the "woodscrew" mark.  This one is marked:
> Charles Taylor's
> Sheffield Tools Ltd

'tweren't just an excess of bratwurst before bedtime which caused me to
identify the tool as 'German', it was the fact that it and others with it
said 'Germany' on them, and were marked with metric sizes.

Not what you would call _deep_ research, but fairly definitive (grin).


Perhaps I have been receiving psychic emanations from Tom Price.
|  Thomas R. Bruce                                         trb2@c... |
|  Cornell Legal Information Institute                         607-255-1221 |
| "I also own a 1944 electric megaphone...the bell is 24" in diameter and   |
|  it's battleship gray. If you want to feel Federal, it's the one for you."|
|                                      -- Tom Waits.                        |

14782 Don McConnell <Don.McConnell@a...> 1997‑03‑10 Re: "Woodscrew" maker's mark.
Thomas R. Bruce wrote:

> 'tweren't just an excess of bratwurst before bedtime which caused me to
> identify the tool as 'German', it was the fact that it and others with it
> said 'Germany' on them, and were marked with metric sizes.
> Not what you would call _deep_ research, but fairly definitive (grin).

A number of years ago, my "master"/mentor/friend at the Ohio Village
bought one of these new at a woodworking show because it was a size he

He owned a couple of others which were OK, but this one turned out to be
a dud. I remember it because he rather pointedly remarked that he now
"understood" why it was marked with a screw! ;-)

Even at the time he seemed a little vague about the maker, but thought
it might be a Mifer? Definitely German, though.

Don McConnell
Knox County, Ohio

14858 Paul Comino <p.comino@q...> 1997‑03‑11 Re: "Woodscrew" maker's mark.
>> At 05:54 AM 3/3/97 -0500, Thomas R. Bruce wrote:
>> >1251. German "wood screw" mark (who is this?). 3mm. skewed spoon

And Paul Comino wrote...
>> I have a chisel with the "woodscrew" mark.  This one is marked:
>> Charles Taylor's
>> Sheffield Tools Ltd

And Tom sez...
>'tweren't just an excess of bratwurst before bedtime which caused me to
>identify the tool as 'German', it was the fact that it and others with it
>said 'Germany' on them, and were marked with metric sizes.
>Not what you would call _deep_ research, but fairly definitive (grin).

And I reply.....
Ever have the feeling that all synapse's aren't firing 100%?
I had that feeling when I replied to that post........then last nite as I
was drifting off....."DASTRA" I thinks!!   No, not some Aussie expletive,
not even a placebo expletive, but a German maker who uses a woodscrew mark.
Could that be the one?

Sorry Tom.  I wasn't questioning the origin of your chisel, just trying to
add another data point or two.

Best regards,

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